Corporate Membership #1

The membership is set up so that one person is actually a member. The Company may submit a list of 4 additional employees that have the capability to bring 1 foursome out per day at no charge excluding league times. The membership includes cart privileges as well as golf and driving range access.

Any addition play on the same day will be charged at a rate of $35 walking and $50 with cart tax included.

Cost –$5500 taxes included

Corporate Membership #2

The membership is set up so that one person is actually a member. The Company may submit a list of up to 19 additional employees that have the capability to play at no charge. This is limited to one tee time per day and excluding league times. The membership includes cart privileges as well as golf and driving range access.  Only the primary member will have the ability to play in leagues and club events. Any golfers playing within the tee time that are not on the employee list will be charged at a rate of $35 walking and $50 riding tax included.

Cost – $5500 taxes included

Corporate Membership #3

The Company may submit a list of 4 employees that will have full membership privileges. These employees with have unlimited golf, cart and range for the season. All four employees will have the ability to play in leagues and club events. Any players playing within the time that are not one of the 4 will be charged at a rate of $35 walking and $50 riding tax included.

Cost – $7000 taxes included

***Proof on corporate employment status will need to be provided upon request from the corporate members organizer***